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Claire Sheehan
Dec 24, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 24
Self kindness advent day 24 Let passing thoughts go. I am thankful for practices which allow me to let thoughts go with ease and...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 23, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 23
Self kindness advent day 23 Make space for silence I honour my need for time and space for peaceful quiet. This is a beautiful commitment...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 22, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 22
Self kindness advent day 22 Build up your practice. May I mindfully do all I need everyday to look after myself. Some may say that advent...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 21, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 21
Self kindness advent day 21 Press pause before acting I can press pause so that I am able to choose what is best for me here and now....

Claire Sheehan
Dec 21, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 20
Self kindness advent Day 20 Choose what you need. What do you need today as we approach Christmas? We have a whole spectrum of ways to...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 20, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 19
Self kindness advent day 19 Start today with love Each morning when I wake up I pull one of the Choosing Self Kindness card deck as I set...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 20, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 18
Self kindness advent day 18 Plant intentions with kindness How about knowing we can slow, stop and choose with intention right now? No...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 17, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 15
Self kindness advent day 15 Practice thankfulness everyday Each night at the children's bedtime we hold hands and share something, at...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 17, 2021
Self Kindness Day 14
Self kindness advent day 14 Notice how you feel May I take care of myself. It's winter and in our house three out of four of us are under...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 17, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 13
Self kindness advent day 13 Find reasons to celebrate. I sometimes think we put so much effort into “the big day” that by the time we get...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 12, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 12
Self kindness advent day 12 I believe in myself Christmas is a time above all of Magic and belief and wonder. It's a message that our...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 12, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 11
Selfkindness advent day 11 Listen to your heart One of the things I'm enjoying this advent is my five minutes sat choosing a self...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 10, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 10
Selfkindness advent day 10 Small steps, big leaps Just as the Christmas story and advent takes us on a journey our self kindness is our...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 10, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 9
Self kindness advent day 9 Focus on the breath In each moment at any time of the day and at any season we can return to the simplicity of...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 8, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 8
Self kindness advent day 8 Appreciate your own contribution May I appreciate all I am. I know this can feel hard to do- to acknowledge...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 7, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 7
Self kindness advent day 7 Practice mountain like strength It can feel so easy for us to get blown off course. Practicing being like a...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 5, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 5
Self kindness advent day 5 Mindfully stay on track - may I joyfully lead a life of purpose and meaning One of the affirmations on this...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 4, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 4
Day 4 self kindness advent Take time to relax Actually since I wrote the card decks I'd change this slightly to give or allow yourself...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 3, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 3
Self kindness advent day 3 At this busy time of year it's easy to rush through things, to want to get stuff done, finished, off your...

Claire Sheehan
Dec 2, 2021
Self Kindness Advent Day 2
Self kindness advent day 2: honour your own boundaries Knowing and honouring your boundaries can be a powerful act of compassion and...
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