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Claire Sheehan
Sep 10, 2018
Managing peaks and troughs with selfcare & kindness
As I wrote, we started back to school last week and overall it went really well. Boys are all back and settled in and I felt happy about...

Claire Sheehan
Sep 3, 2018
Start the day with kindness - selfcare invitation Monday 3 September
Today I invite you to take a few minutes before you're even out of bed. To take those moments to think about how you can add in a...

Claire Sheehan
Aug 13, 2018
Little love notes to the soul - summer selfcare practice 13 August
It's easy I find to keep a log in my head of all the things I am not so good at. The trick is to focus on the good, on what you can do...

Claire Sheehan
Aug 6, 2018
Journalling summer - summer selfcare practice 6 August 2018
Last summer I felt like I dragged myself into summer a teensy bit kicking and screaming. It was a long one - the boys finished preschool...

Claire Sheehan
Jul 30, 2018
Declutter for calm - selfcare practice 30 July 2018
One thing I have found a lot in the holidays is that one thing that gets on top of how I am feeling is the sheer amount of things we seem...

Claire Sheehan
Jul 23, 2018
Monday Selfcare practice 23 July 2018 - Focus on your own version of Joy
I decided to have this as my focus for this week because I've seen a few posts on local groups about the pressure that can come with the...
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